Sunday, April 24, 2011

Super Juice, a Super Solution

(Photograph from
 Another pill?

      Convincing my throat to swallow two massive vitamins is a mental battle every morning. Although I absolutely dread this part of my morning routine, I continue to do so because multivitamins and fish oil assist in maintaining a healthy mind and body. When my mother began lecturing to me about a new "miracle" vitamin she had started taking, it is not surprising that I was anything but enthused. She continued on about how "Super Juice" vitamins were giving her more energy and keeping her appetite down. If there was even a slight chance that I was going to add another large pill to my daily routine, this Super Juice had better be truly super.

How will this help me?
     After the conversation with my mother, I began doing some research to see if Super Juice was worth adding to my morning vitamin ritual. I found that these pills are a dietary vegetable and fruit supplement made from 100% juice. As a health-aware person, I instantly appreciated there are no added sugars, dyes, flavors or animal products in these daily vitamins (Full list of ingredients). In just two pills, you gain the benefits of six servings of fruits and vegetables, including: 
Found in two Super Juice pills
  • Enzymes from 45 fruits and vegetables 
  • 32 phyto-nutrients
  • Anti-oxidants
  • Probiotics 
  • And more
So, let's try it!

     After completing my research, I finally surrendered to my mother's lectures on Super Juice and purchased a pack from Wegmans (also available wherever GNC products are sold, including I am well aware that despite my conscious effort to lead a nutritious life, I like the majority of adults, do not consume enough fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Now that I have added these vitamins to my nutritional routine, I cannot imagine feeling healthy without them. I have no doubts that these vitamins have led to my:
    • Decreased snack cravings/appetite
    • Increased energy
    • Improved immune system
     Not surprisingly, if I forget to take Super Juice, I feel drowsy and sluggish all day. It only makes sense that if you cannot ingest enough fruits and vegetables on a daily basis that consuming them in pill form will make you feel healthier as a person overall. There is no reason that everyone should not try Super Juice. So do your body a favor and experience how the nutrition which is packed inside each pill can be your new super solution to a healthier you!

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