Saturday, February 26, 2011

Coconut Water = lose weight?

       I was flipping through my health magazine at the gym and saw an ad for coconut water. The ad claimed that this drink has more electrolytes than a Gatorade drink and has no added sugar. When I got home from the gym, I began to research different claims and brands. I personally do not drink Gatorade because it has more calories and sugar in it than I am able to burn off in a workout, so this seemed like a great drink for me. Online consumers raved about the coconut water so I ordered some to see what the new hype was about in the health community. 
       The taste is something that grows on you, but it certainly doesn't taste bad in my opinion. I started drinking it between meals and found that I snacked much less. If i drink coconut water before a meal, I definitely eat less, but the coconut water does have about 80 calories (but no fat or unnatural sugars). It doesn't leave that gross sugary after-taste of hydrating drinks like Gatorade. I've been drinking it for about two weeks now, and definitely recommend it to all health freaks like me. I am less hungry, feel more energized throughout the day, and I’ve even lost 2 pounds which is always a plus : )


  1. Consider the readability of your posts in terms of color and type. Red hurts my eyes.

    Also, don't just sure to revise and make the writing strong. You don't have to sacrifice a casual tone for strong writing. Make sure the paragraphs are developed and transition naturally from one to another.

  2. You claim coconut water caused your weight lose. However, many other factors could have attributed to or caused you to lose three pounds. For instance, you could have just gone to the gym more that week. Also you could have experienced the placebo effect where you felt less hungry and more energized because you believed the coconut water would cause these effects. How can you be certain that your weight lose, decreased hunger and increased energy were actually due to the coconut water?

  3. Madalyn Sam...
    You are certainly correct that other factors could have caused the 3lb weight loss. I should have said in my blog that I did not change anything else in my daily life such as exercising more. As far as the placebo effect, I will definitely research that as far as coconut water, but even if it was the placebo effect, it worked! I will be more thorough in my next blog, I'm still learning! Thanks for the comments!
